If Sentence (C ), "Presidential contests in India are usually tame and predictable, and 2017 does not promise to be any different" is the fist sentence, what is the order of other sentences after rearrangement?
(A) Prime Minister Indira Gandhi called for a "conscience vote" just before the election, and a sizeable number of Congress parliamentarians and legislators voted against the "official" candidate, Reddy, in favour of Giri.
(B) The Bharatiya Janata Party, with its regular allies and new-found friends, should be able to see any noncontroversial candidate through.
(C ) Presidential contests in India are usually tame and predictable, and 2017 does not promise to be any different.
(D) To date, the election of V.V. Giri over Neelam Sanjiva Reddy in 1969 remains the only notable exception to the long list of humdrum presidential elections.
(E) Before and after that, however, the favourites have carried the day, with opposition -sponsored candidates putting up no more than a symbolic fight to prove no more than a political point.
(F) At present, the numbers are stacked against the opposition for the July 17 election.
The correct Answer is:C
As mentioned in the question, if sentence (c ) is the first sentence then the correct order of other sentences after rearrangement is DAEFB.
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