In the following questions, you have two passages with 5 questions in each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
The savings of certain wild animals from extinction has for many years been a problem for zoologists and other specialists, but more recently the problem has become so acute, and has received so much publicity, that most people are now concenrned about it. This may at first seem strange because one of the most gratifying developments of the last few years has been the passing of strict laws to product wild animals and the consequent decline in the hunting of big - game for sport.
Why is it, then that some rare wild animals are still threatened with extinction and even some of the less rare ones are rapidly declining in numbr ?
One reason is the 'march of civilization'. When an area is wholly cleared of vegetation to make room for new towns, factory sites or hydroelectric plant the natural home of several species is destroyed, The displaced animal must either migrate to another area or perish. Even the clearing of land for a road or an airfield may involve 'pushing back' the jungle and the smaller the area in which wild animals complete for a living, the smaller the number that can hope to survive.
The meaning of hte word 'gratifying' is
The correct Answer is:C
Gratifying (Adjective) = pleasing and giving satisfaction.
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