Various combinations of n-type and p-type semiconductors are used for making electronic components. Diode is a combination of n-type and p-type semiconductors and is used as a rectifier. Transistors are made by sandwiching a layer of one type of semiconductor between two layers of the other type of semiconductor. npn and pnp type of transistors are used to detect or amplify radio or audio signals. The solar cell is an efficient photo-diode used for conversion of light energy into electrical energy. Germanium and silicon are group 14 elements and therefore, have a characteristic valence of four and form four bonds as in diamond. A large variety of solid state materials have been prepared by combination of groups 13 and 15 or 12 and 16 to simulate average valence of four as in Ge or Si. Typical compounds of groups 13 - 15 are InSb, AIP and GaAs, Gallium arsenide (GaAs) semiconductors have very fast response and have revolutionised the design of semiconductor devices. ZnS, CdS, CdSe and HgTe are examples of groups 12 - 16 compounds. In these compounds, the bonds are not perfectly covalent and the ionic character depends on the electronegativities of the two elements.
3. Name some compounds of groups 13-15 which have revolutionised semiconductor devices.

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InSb, AlP and GaAs are typical compounds of group 13-15. Gallium arsenide (GaAs) semiconductor devices have revolutionised the design of semiconductor devices.

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