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Integrate the functionssin3xcos3x

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To solve the integral of the function sin3xcos3x, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the integral
We start with the integral:

Step 2: Use trigonometric identities
We can express cos3x in terms of sin2x:
Thus, we can rewrite the integral as:

Step 3: Substitute t=sinx
Let t=sinx. Then, the derivative dt=cosxdx, which means dx=dtcosx. We can replace cosx in terms of t:
Now, substituting these into the integral gives:

Step 4: Expand the integrand
Now, we can expand the integrand:
So, the integral becomes:

Step 5: Integrate term by term
We can integrate each term separately. We can use substitution for the first term:
Let u=1t2, then du=2tdt or dt=du2t. When t2=1u, we have:
The integral becomes:
This integral can be solved using the beta function or integration by parts.

Step 6: Substitute back
After performing the integration and simplifying, we substitute back t=sinx to get the final answer.

Final Answer
The final result of the integral will be:
