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Define the term polymersation.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Polymerization: Polymerization is a chemical process where small molecules known as monomers combine to form larger molecules called polymers.

2. Monomers: Monomers are the basic building blocks of polymers. They are small, simple molecules that can link together in a repetitive manner.

3. Formation of Polymers: During polymerization, these monomer units undergo a series of chemical reactions to join together, resulting in the formation of long chains or networks of repeating units.

4. Example of Polymerization: A common example of polymerization is the formation of polyethene from ethene monomers. Ethene (C2H4) is a monomer that can polymerize to form polyethene (C2H4)n, where 'n' indicates the number of repeating units.

5. Repetition of Units: In the case of polyethene, the ethene monomer units repeat to create a long chain structure. This repetition is a key characteristic of polymers.

6. Conclusion: Thus, polymerization is the process of combining monomer units to create polymers, which are large macromolecules with unique properties.

