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The bromine atom possesses 3 s electrons. It contains six electrons in 2 p orbitals, six electrons in 3 p orbitals and five electrons in 4 p orbitals. Which of these electrons experience the lower effective nuclear charge?

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for n=4 and l=2 , the obital occupied is 4d.
for n=3 and l=2 , the orbital occupied is 3d.
for n=4 and l =1 , the orbital occupied is 4p
hecnce ,the six electrons i.e 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 are present in the 4d, 3d, 4p, 3d, 4p , and 4p obitals respectively.
thereforem the inceasing the increasing order of energies is 5 ( 3 p ) < 2 ( 3 d ) = 4 ( 3 d ) < 3 ( 4 p ) = 6 ( 4 p ) < 1 ( 4 d )
