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What are the advantages of unclear energy?

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Introduction to Nuclear Energy:
- Nuclear energy is derived from the nucleus of atoms, primarily using uranium or other radioactive materials.

2. Advantage 1: High Energy Output from Small Input:
- One of the key advantages of nuclear energy is that it requires a very small amount of radioactive material to produce a significant amount of energy.
- For instance, 1 kg of uranium can produce energy equivalent to that generated by 25,000 tons of coal. This demonstrates the efficiency of nuclear energy in terms of energy yield.

3. Advantage 2: Clean Energy Production:
- Nuclear energy is often referred to as clean energy because it does not produce harmful emissions during its operation.
- Unlike fossil fuels, such as coal, which release harmful gases (like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide) that contribute to global warming and acid rain, nuclear energy does not emit these pollutants.

4. Conclusion:
- In summary, the two main advantages of nuclear energy are:
- The ability to generate a high amount of energy from a small quantity of raw material.
- The production of clean energy with minimal environmental impact, as it does not release harmful gases.
