1. It is rather the self-importance of man that he thinks he owns this world. Theories have developed since the very beginning of cultural and religious development on these lines. There is an Adam and Eve. There is an Adam and Hava. There is a Manu having brought life on this planet after pralaya. All religious preceptors have preached that the world is meant for man. They talk of communion between Man and God. But science has exploded such myths. It was not really so that man owned the world in the beginning. Man developed physically to the form as we find him now, over a period of time, at a very late stage. The planet started with micro life. There is a period of millions of years even between the existence of the micro life and the huge dinosaur who owned the world and ruled over it.
2. But nature has been rather cruel to this animal world for which actually, everything in the world was mean. Nature bestowed man with a developed brain that it did not develop in any other creature. This partiality of nature made him Homo Sapien. It was only man who could think and plan about his existence and welfare, polluting in the process, the land, the space and the seas that nature had made for all. His own creation may one day go against him. But now he owns the world and is the master of all that he surveys. He feels that all the creatures on the earth and even beyond the earth are meant for him.
3. The ego of ownership has made man the most cruel animal in the world. He builds palatial buildings and big cities on the abodes of small creatures like ants and other burrow dwellers. They are all meant to die for his facilities.
4. Nature made vegetation that is meant for all living beings. But man felt that all the animals are meant for him. He killed elephant for its tusks, deer for its horns, a large number of animals for their hide for shoes, decoration and dresses. He killed musk deer to have the musk from its muskpod. He kills a large number of animals for his food. His number is increasing in such a way that he will have no fear, ever of animals, owning the world again.
5. Man justifies his killing of animals by a strange theory. “One living being is the food of another living creature". Who will remind him of the doomsday after which the animal world would claim back from man their due right and man may then become “meant” for animals!
। On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the questions:
The most suitable heading of the whole passage:
Man's self importance
Man's selfishness
Man's cruelty to animals
Killing of animals
Man.s cruelty to animals
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View Solutionसंतोष के दादाजी अपने पुराने मित्र से मिलने बहुत दिनों के बाद गाँव गए। गाँव पहुंचने पर उन्होंने देखा की उनके मित्र जो की पहले काफी धन सम्पन्न थे, अत्यंत गरीब हो चुके है। उन्होंने, उनकी दरिद्रता का कारण पूछा, यधपि उनके पास काफी जमीन थी। उन्होंने बताया कि उनकी जमीन कपास उत्पादन के लिए श्रेष्ठ है, लेकिन हर वर्ष फसल में कीटो का प्रकोप हो जाता है जिसके कारण बहुत आर्थिक हानि हो जाती है। तब दादाजी ने अपने मित्र को खेत में BT कॉटन की प्रजाति लगाने की सलाह दी। उपर्युक्त गधांश को पढ़ने के बाद निम्न प्रश्नो के उत्तर दीजिये-
(i) BT कपास क्या है?
(ii) इसे कैसे विकसित किया जाता है?
(iii) दादाजी ने अपने मित्र की आर्थिक तंगी को दूर करने के लिए क्या सुझाव दिया?
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