Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow them:
1. Actually, besides the God-given natural ability to think, two more things are necessary in order to think effectively. These are knowledge and organisation. The reason you can't think clearly about certain problems is that you do not have enough relevant knowledge or experience pertaining to them. If you have no knowledge of a subject, you have no starting point for your thoughts, or you will think from a wrong premise and, of course, think incorrectly. Since thought is the "go" sign for action, it seems likely that you will act incorrectly and do the wrong thing.
2. Obviously, the next thing to worry about is how to go about obtaining this relevant knowledge. Again, you must take the time to go out and search for it, if it pertains to some particular problem you must solve. Apart from definite and particular problems, your relevant knowledge can only be acquired through experience, from society in general, from listening to others and from reading.
3. Don't think because you converse with other people almost constantly, and read quite a bit, that you are necessarily acquiring all the knowledge you are exposed to. One important ingredient may be missing – that is, interest. You must have a spontaneous and genuine interest and/or curiosity about a subject in order to gain much knowledge about it. One good way, incidentally, of being interested in others is to stop thinking of yourself so much. Listen a little more than you talk and you may learn something. Another way of acquiring knowledge is to read with your mind instead of only with your eyes.
4. The salesman who wants to have a ready answer for any argument must know his product inside out. He makes it his business to learn all he can about it. The executive who has a reputation for always coming up with good practical ideas at the conference table may appear to be pulling these ideas out of the air, but nothing could be further from the truth. He has probably spent a good deal of time studying all the problems that may come up. He is not the type who shuts off his thinking ability the moment he leaves his office. He does research into his business, he is genuinely interested in it.
5. There you have some work cut out for you. If you want to think clearly and effectively about your own line of endeavour (or anything else), learn all you can about it!
On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the question
What are the two more things necessary for thinking effectively besides the God-given ability to think?
Knowledge. and .organisation. are two more necessary things for thinking effectively besides the God-given ability to think.
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1. Nowadays, Mother's Day celebrations are held throughout the world though they may not fall at the same time. The way of celebrating may also differ but the purpose is the same. It is to honour the mother and to feel and cherish the beautiful bonds we share with her. It would be interesting to find out how the idea of Mother's Day first took root and who was its originator.
2. The first celebrations were held in spring in ancient Greece, by paying tribute to Rhea, the ‘Mother of Gods’. During the 17th century, England honoured mothers by celebrating 'Mothering Sunday' on the fourth Sunday of Lent. In the United States, Julia Ward Home suggested the idea in 1872 and perceived Mother's Day as being dedicated to peace.
3. But it was Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia who brought about the official observance of Mother's Day. She wanted this day to be a holiday and launched a campaign for it. This she did in memory of her mother who died in 1905 and who had, in the late 19th century, tried to establish 'Mother's Friendship Days' as a way to heal the scars of Civil War.
4. In 1907, Jarvis held a ceremony in Grafton, West Virginia, to honour her mother. The proceedings touched her so greatly that she began a massive campaign to adopt a formal holiday for honouring mothers and in 1910, West Virginia became the first state to recognise Mother's Day. A year later, nearly every state officially marked the day. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother's Day as a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May.
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1. Swimming pools were once considered a luxury limited only to the rich. Today, thanks to plastics and plenty, they number in the millions. Few, of course, are of Olympic size where a swimmer can quickly do his laps and stay in shape. Most are above-ground, round mini-pools, line for a cool-off and a frolic. But, health experts have come to realise that exercises created specially for such swimming pools can tone the muscles, strengthen the heart and pacify the spirit of people of all ages and conditions. And these exercises aren't restricted to small pools alone. Any type of pool, including a crowded municipal one, will do.
2. Designer of the principal popular exercises is C. Carson Conrad, Executive Director of the California Bureau of Health, Physicians approve of Conrad's exercises for three reasons.
3. First, since water pressure, even on a non-moving body, stimulates the heart to pump blood throughout the body, exercise in the water promotes thorough circulation still more effectively. Second, water exercise is rhythmic. And continuous, rhythmic exercises, authorities agree, are one of the best defenses against circulatory ailments which might cause atherosclerosis, often the precursor of coronary attacks and strokes.
4. Third, water exercise can be enjoyed with benefit by both young and old, healthy and infirm swimmers, and in shallow water, non-swimmers. Dr. Ira H. Wilson and Fred W. Kasch, a physician-and-physiologist team, assert that even persons with paraplegia, rheumatic heart, asthma, emphysema, victims of polio or strokes, or amputation can exercise in water and enjoy weightless movement. Arthritis move easily under water. Some physicians use hydrocalisthenics for their cardiac patients.
5. At the University of Illinois, Prof. Richard H. Pohndori studied the effect of water exercise on a "typical” couple. He chose as subjects a man-and-wife team of physicians, 43 and 41 years old respectively, who had been sedentary for years. His program was simple: “Swim from one end of the pool to the other until you can swim 1000 yards a day. Swim every day for ten weeks.” Before they started, the couple took 151 physical tests. At the end of ten weeks, they were tested again: their pulse rate had dropped, their rate of breathing had dropped, their blood pressure had come down to normal, the cholesterol level in their blood had dropped 20 per cent. Further, more than half of the broken blood vessels disfiguring the woman's thighs had vanished, her husband had improved in all his physical-fitness tests, he reduced the size of his heart, making it more efficient. Both felt younger, more vigorous.
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यदि हम अश में 1 जोड़ दे तथा हर में से 1 घटा दे , तो भिन्न 1 में बदल जाती है । यदि हर में 1 जोड़ दे तो यह 12 हो जाती है । वह भिन्न क्या है ।
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View Solutionनीचे कुछ अभिक्रियाएँ दी गयी है-
(a) ACl2+B→BCl2+A
(b) B+DCl→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(c) C+2DCl→2D+CCl2
(d) C+ECl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
(e) H2+ECl2→2HCl+E
(f) H2+FCl2→ कोई अभिक्रिया नहीं
उपरोक्त दिए तत्वों (A से F) को रासायनिक सक्रियता के घटते क्रम में व्यवस्थित करो ।
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