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What does Historian say about the importance of books in the twentieth century? Why does he point out that a particular dusty old rhymes saved the world from a Martian invasion?

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Historian terms the twentieth century as the Era of the Book. It was the period when all kinds of books were published. There were books almost on all subjects. And each subject had many books. One could find books from anteaters to Zulus. Books taught people how to, and when to, and where to, and why to. They illustrated, punctuated, and even decorated. But the strangest thing a book ever did was to save the Earth. The invasion never really happened. A single book-Mother Goose,. saved the Earth. Just one dusty old book of nursery rhymes changed the very course of the world. It happened in 2040. The invasion on the Earth was saved because the Martian Commander-in Chief misinterpreted the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.” He misinterpreted that the Earthlings wanted to capture Mars Central Control and him. He ordered the invasion fleet to evacuate the entire planet of Mars. He prepared to escape at once in a space capsule.
