Can we cultivate edible mushrooms at home?

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Yes, you can cultivate edible button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) at home provided you have enough space, facilities and skill. Mushrooms cultivation is a complex process which completes in there phases - (i) Obtaining the Spawn, (ii) Composting and (iii) Growing of fruiting bodies.
(i) Obtaining the spawn : Get the spawn (or seeds) of edible mushrooms from recognised mushrooms growers or obtain spawn bottle from a laboratory or commercial centre.
(ii) Composting : Mix cow dung manure and wheat straw in the ratio of 3 : 1. Soak with water and keep the mixture in wet condition for few weeks. Add a small amount of gypsum.
(iii) Growing of fruiting bodies : Fill the thoroughly composted mixture of cow dung and wheat straw in the beds or wooden trays. Pasteurize it by slowly raising its temperature upto 130140F and maintain this temperature for 24-48 hours. Cool down the temperature of mixture to 7580F. Now mix the spawn and keep the trays at a temperature of 75F and 8090% humidity for about three weeks. Button shaped fruiting bodies of mushroom will crop up in three weeks time and will continue to appear for about five to six weeks.
