In 2015, Naveen left his luxurious life in Mumbai, where he worked as a manager for Blue Birds Ltd. He shifted to Begampur, Chhattisgarh to fulfil his grandfather's dream of converting their 25 acre ancestral land into a fertile farm. For this, he set out specific goals alongwith the activities to be performed to achieve to be performed to achieve the goals.
Every activity was a challenge since he was clueless about farming . he learnt every activity from filling the land to sowing the seeds. To aid farmers he launched his own company 'innovative Agriculture Solutions Pvt. Ltd'
It was difficult initially as no one trusted an urban youth telling farmers about farming. But when everything was discussed in detail the farmers started taking interest. he best interests of the company.Through sales forecasting, he prepared an annual plan for production and sales .
He also found that the farmers grew only paddy, which was an activity of 3-4 months and the land remained idle for the rest 8-9 months of the year. He not only identified but evaluated various alternatives through which the farms could be utilised for the remaining months of the year. Through correct foresight and logical and systematic thinking based on analysis of all facts, all alternatives were examined and evaluated. He presented a plan to the farmers, where after harvesting paddy, vegetables could be grown.
The above case highlights the features of one of the functions of management . By quoting lines from the above identify and explain these features .
Planning is the function of management referred in this case
(i) 'For this, he set........... his goals'
This line indicates the following feature of planning Planning focuses on achieving objectives Every organisation has a set of goals to be achieved. Planning involves setting goals and determining the most economical and viable course of action to achieve the predetermined goals. Thus, planning is purposeful
(ii) 'He not only .......... the year'
Thus, line indicates the following feature of planning
Planning involves decision-making Planning is essentially the process of choosing among various alternatives. So, in order to make an effective choice examination and evaluation of each alternative is necessary. Thus, it is concerned with decision-making.
(iii) 'Through correct ......... evaluated' This line indicates the following feature of planning
Planning is a mental exercise it is a mental exercise as it requires creativity. imagination and higher thinking skills with sound judgement It is an intellectual activity of thinking rather than doing It requires logical and systematic thinking rather than guess work or wishful thinking
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