The top level manager has asked the production manager to achieve a target production of 2000 units in a month. But he does not give him the authority and holds the decision-making powers. Identify and explain the concept used in the case.
Centralisation is used, as top level manager has complete authority of decision-making and retains all powers.
Centralisation of authority refers to systematic and consistent retention or concentration of authority for decision-making at top or higher levels of management. An organisation is said to be centralised, when top management retains absolute authority for making almost all decisions on the functioning of the organisation. In a centralised organisation all decisions on specific matters are taken by one or a few managers at the top level.
In such an organisation, very little authority is delegated to managers at middle and lower levels. They have to depend on the top management for instruction and guidance in their day-to-day activities. They are expected to show no initiative and freedom in their day-to-day activities. The top management exercises strict supervision and control over all the activities in the organisaiton.
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View SolutionWay To Go, Wipro!
It's not quito there yet, but the goal is certainly within reach. One of India's largest IT solutions providers, Wipro Techanologies, is taking on the likes of IBM and Accenture in its effort to be influded among the largest and most successful technology services companies in the world.
Currently Wipro employs 45,000 people at a growth rateof 30 precent annually over the coming year. ''I don't see growing to 1,50,000 or 2,00,000 people as an insurmountable challenge, ''sain Premji, Chaiman, Wipro. He believe that if companies such as Accenture could grow by 20,000 people in two years, Wipro's growth projections are not impossible.
Restructuring Wipro was considered the most important step in becoming a global giant, driven by the goal towards improved customer-orientation.
During the past few months, Wipro separated itself into several subsidiaries by product line: telecommunications, engineering, financial services, etc. Each subsidiary brings $300 million in annual earnings and is self-sufficient with their own accounting books, personal and administrative functions.
Wipro shifted from a centralised to decentralised management system. All responsibilities for growth lay with the management of each entity.
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Between 2002 and 2003, Wipro acquired two IT consulting firms to break into the U.S. market. Wipro is also moving from a service provider to a product developer. Today, it partners with other companies develop IT products to gain experience and achieve name recognition.
Adapted from an article by Heide B.Malhotra for Epoch Times washington D. C May 01, 2006
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