You are the financial manager of a newly established company. The directors have asked you determine the amount of working capital requirement for the company. Explain any four factors that you will consider while determining the working capital requirement for the company .
Calculattion of working capital Working captial. Unless otherwise specified is the net working captial. Net working captial.Net working capital is the excess of current assets over current liabiliies. Thus, net working capital = current Assets, - current liabilities
Factors Affecting working captial The main factors affecting the working captial requirements are given below .
(i) Nature of business A trading organisation and a service industry firm usually needs a smaller amount of working captial as compared to a manufacturing organisation .
(ii) Scale of operations Organisations which operate on a large scale, their quantium of inventory and debtors required is generally high. such orgainsations, therefore, require large amount of working captial as compared tothe organisations which operate on a lower scale.
(iii) Business cycle Different phases of business cycles affect the requirement of working capital by a firm. In case of a boom. the scales as well as production as likely to be larger and , thereforek, against this, the requirement for working captial will be lower during the period of depression.since the sales as well as production will be less.
(iv) Seasonal factors Some of the business have seasonal operations. During peak season, larger amount of working captial is required because of higher level of activity . As against , this, the level of activity as well as the requirement for working capital will be lower during the lean season.
( v) Production cycle/operating cycle Production cycle is the time span between the receipt of raw material and their conversion into finished goods.
Some businesses have production cycle while some have a shorter one. Duration and the length of production cycle affect the amount of funds required for raw materials and expness.
(vi) Credit allowed Differnt firms allow diferent cre3dit terms to their customer.s these depends upond the level of competition that a firm faces, as well as the credit worthines of their expendses.
A liberal credit policy results in higher amount of debtors , increasing the requirement of working captial .
(vii) Credit availed Just as a firm allows credit to its customers, it also may get credit from jits suppliers. to the extent it avails the credit on purchase, the working captial requirement is reduced.
(viii) Availability of raw materials if the raw materials are easily and readily availablel. lower stocks will have to be maintained. whereas, when the raw meteriasl are scarce or not readily available, , higher stock levels have to be maintained, thus increasing the need fro working captial requirement.
Time log it is also known as lead time and is an imortant factor as to how working capital is required. Time lag is the time taken between the placement of order and actural receipt of material.
If the time lag is more, more working capital will be required, as larger amount of materials will have to be stored.
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