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Find the area bounded by the line y=x and the curve y=x3

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The given equations are
and y=x3
Using (i) in (ii) , we get
Also (x=0y=0),(x=1y=1)and(x=1y=1)
So,the given curve and the line intersect at the points O(0,0)A(1,1) and B(-1,-1).
Now ,y=x is a line passing through the origin and making an angle of 45 with the x-axis .Thus the line y=x can be drawn.
For the curve y=x3 some values for x and the corresponding values of y are given below.
Plotiing the points (-1,-1)
(12,18),(0,0)(12,18),and<br>(1,1)andjogthem,wetaroughsketchofy=x^3asshownthegivenfigure.<br>Requiredarea<br>=(areaACOA)+(areaODBO)<br>=(areaOALO)(areaOCALO)+(areaOBMO)(areaODBMO)<br>=underset(0)overset(1)int "{y for (i)]dx"-underset(0)overset(1)int"{y for (ii)}dx" + underset(-1)overset(0){{(-y) for (i)}dx-underset(-1)overset(0)int{(-y)" for (ii) " }dx<br>underset(0)overset(1)int{(-y)" for (ii)}dx<br>underset(0)overset(1)int" x dx "-underset(0)overset(1)int x^3 dx+ underset(-1)overset(0)" -x xdx "- underset(-1)overset(0)-x^3 dx<br>=(1/2-1/4+1/2-1/4)=1/2 sq unit
Hence , the required area is 0.5 sq units.
