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An organic compound having molecular formula C5H10 O exists in two chain isomers, (A) and (B).Isomer (A) undergoes Cannizzaro reaction to give 2, 2- dimethyl propanoic acid 2,2- dimethyl propanol - 1. Compound (B) in the presecne of dilute alkali undergeos aldol condensation to form 3 - hydroxy -2- propyl heptanal. Give the structures of (A) and (B).Solution in Telugu

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Isomers have the formula, C4H9CHO Isomer (A) undergoes Cannizaro reaction , thus it does not have undergoes Cannizaro reaction , thus it does not have α - hydrogen . The structure of (A) is (CH3)3CCHO.
Isomer (B) undergoes aldol condensation as it posseses α - hydrogen atom. The structure of (B) is CH3CH2CH2CH2CHO.
