Given the basic features of the mechanism of inheritance.

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Inheritance is the transmission is the transmission of genetically controlled characteristic (traits) from one generation to the next. The basic features of mechanism of inheritance are following.
(i) Characters are controlled are controlled by genes. Each gene control called allele one character.
(ii) There may be two or more forms of a gene. One form may be dominant while other is recessive.
(iii) Genes are present on charomosomes.
(iv) Each parent possesses a pair of genes for each characteristic on a chromosomes.
(v) When a male gamete fuses with the female gamete during fertilisation, they make a new cell called zygote with full set of genes. This zygote carries characteristics of both the parents which are inherited through the genes.
(vi) The offspring inherit tow genes (or a pair of genes) for each trait form its parents characters. The traut shown by the offspring in first of enation dominat.
