What happens when
(a) Chlorine gas reacts with cold and dilute solution of NaOH?
(b) XeF2 undergoes hydrolysis ?

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(i) (a) Chlorine gas with cold dilute NaOH
(b) XeF2 udnergoes hydrolysis
(ii)(a) In SF6' six atoms of flourine sterically protect the sulphur atom from the attack by the reagents to such an extent that even theromodynammically most favourable raction like hydrolysis do not occur. Hence SF6 is chemically inert.
(b) H3PO3 is diprotic because it has only two OH groups and therefore give only two ionisable H+ ions in aqueous solution.
(c) Xenon has least ionisation enthalpy among noble gas, thus it forms chemical compounds with flourine and oxygen (which are highly electronegative and small sized atoms) readily only under certain conditions.
