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(a) Hershey and Chase carried their experiment in three steps : infection, blending, centrifugation. Explain each step.
(b) Write the conclusion and interpretation of the result they obtained.

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(a) Explanation of the Three Steps:

1. Infection:
- In this initial step, Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase used bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria. They prepared two sets of bacteriophages: one set was labeled with radioactive phosphorus (32P) and the other with radioactive sulfur (35S).
- The bacteriophages were allowed to infect bacterial cells. During this process, the bacteriophages attached to the surface of the bacteria and injected their genetic material (DNA) into the host cells. The protein coat of the bacteriophage remained outside the bacterial cell.

2. Blending:
- After the infection step, the next phase involved blending the mixture. This was done using a blender to agitate the culture, which helped to separate the remaining protein coats of the bacteriophages from the bacterial cells.
- The blending process ensured that any protein coats that were still attached to the bacteria were dislodged and separated, allowing for a clearer distinction between the components.

3. Centrifugation:
- The final step was centrifugation, where the blended mixture was spun at high speeds in a centrifuge. This process caused the heavier bacterial cells to settle at the bottom of the centrifuge tube, forming a pellet, while the lighter components, including the dislodged protein coats, remained in the liquid supernatant above.
- After centrifugation, the researchers analyzed both the pellet (containing the bacteria) and the supernatant (containing the protein coats). They found that the pellet contained radioactive phosphorus, indicating that the DNA had entered the bacterial cells, while the supernatant contained radioactive sulfur, confirming that the protein coats had not entered the cells.

(b) Conclusion and Interpretation:
- The conclusion drawn from the Hershey and Chase experiment was that DNA, not protein, is the genetic material responsible for heredity.
- The interpretation of the results showed that since the radioactive phosphorus (from DNA) was found inside the bacterial cells and the radioactive sulfur (from protein) was found outside, it was evident that the genetic information was carried by DNA. Thus, this experiment provided strong evidence that DNA is the hereditary material in living organisms.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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