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Write the main difference between an acid and a base. With the help of suitable examples, explain the term neutralization and the formation of-
(i) acidic,
(ii) basic and
(iii) neutral salts.

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Acids are sour in taste and change the colour of the blue litmus to red. Their pH is less
Ther reaction between an acid and a base to give a salt and water is known as a neutralisation
reaction. In general, a neutralisation reaction can be written as
Acid + Base Salt + Water
Example: NaOH(aq)+HCl(aq)NaCl(aq)+H2O(l)
(i) When neutralisation of a strong acid with a weak base takes place, it leads to the
formation of acidic salt.
Example: H2SO4+CuOCuSO4+H2O
(ii) When neutralisation of a weak acid with a strong base takes place, it leads to the
formation of basic salt.
When neutralisation of a strong acid with a strong base takes place, it leads to the
fromation of neutral salt.
Example: NaOH+HClNaCl+H2O
NaCl is a neutral salt.
