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Find the inverse of f ( x ) = { x x < 1 x 2 1 x 4 8 x x > 4

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To find the inverse of the function f(x) defined as:

f(x)=xif x<1x2if 1x48xif x>4

we will analyze each case separately.

Step 1: Inverse for f(x)=x when x<1

1. Set y=f(x), hence y=x.
2. To find the inverse, we express x in terms of y:
3. Since this case is valid for x<1, the inverse function is:
f1(y)=yfor y<1

Step 2: Inverse for f(x)=x2 when 1x4

1. Set y=f(x), hence y=x2.
2. Solve for x:
3. Since x is between 1 and 4, we have:
Squaring gives:
4. Thus, the inverse function for this case is:
f1(y)=yfor 1y16

Step 3: Inverse for f(x)=8x when x>4

1. Set y=f(x), hence y=8x.
2. Solve for x:
3. Since x>4, we need:
4. Therefore, the inverse function for this case is:
f1(y)=y264for y>16

Final Result

Combining all the cases, we have the inverse function f1(x) as:

f1(x)=xif x<1xif 1x16x264if x>16
