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If α is a complex constant such that αz2+z+¯¯¯α=0 has a real root, then (a) α+¯¯¯α=1 (b) α+¯¯¯α=0 (c)α+¯¯¯α=1 (d)the absolute value of the real root is 1

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To solve the problem, we need to analyze the equation given:


We want to find conditions under which this equation has a real root.

Step 1: Substitute z=c (where c is a real number)

Substituting z=c into the equation gives us:


Step 2: Express α in terms of its real and imaginary parts

Let α=p+iq, where p and q are real numbers. Then, the conjugate ¯α=piq.

Substituting these into the equation gives:


Step 3: Separate real and imaginary parts

This can be separated into real and imaginary parts:

1. Real part: pc2+c+p=0
2. Imaginary part: qc2q=0

Step 4: Analyze the imaginary part

From the imaginary part q(c21)=0, we have two cases:

1. q=0
2. c21=0 which gives c=±1

If q0, then c21=0 implies that c=±1.

Step 5: Analyze the real part

Now, substituting c=1 or c=1 into the real part equation:

For c=1:


For c=1:


Step 6: Combine results

In both cases, we find that:

1. If q0, then α=12+iq or α=12+iq.
2. The real part p can be either 12 or 12.

Step 7: Check conditions for α+¯α

Calculating α+¯α:

1. For α=12+iq:

2. For α=12+iq:


Thus, we conclude that:

- α+¯α=1 or 1.
- The absolute value of the real root c is 1.

Final Answer

The correct options are:
- (a) α+¯α=1
- (c) α+¯α=1
- (d) The absolute value of the real root is 1.
