Find the remainder when 2740 is divided by 12.
To find the remainder when 2740 is divided by 12, we can break the problem down into manageable steps.
Step 1: Understand the problem
We need to find the remainder r such that:
Step 2: Reduce the base modulo 12
First, we simplify 27 modulo 12:
27÷12=2(with a remainder of 3)
Step 3: Substitute the reduced base
Now, we can rewrite the original expression using this equivalence:
Step 4: Find 340mod12
To find 340mod12, we can look for a pattern in the powers of 3 modulo 12:
- 31=3
- 32=9
- 33=27≡3mod12
- 34=81≡9mod12
From this, we can see that the powers of 3 modulo 12 alternate between 3 and 9:
- For odd n: 3n≡3mod12
- For even n: 3n≡9mod12
Since 40 is even, we have:
Step 5: Conclusion
Thus, the remainder when 2740 is divided by 12 is:
We need to find the remainder r such that:
First, we simplify 27 modulo 12:
27÷12=2(with a remainder of 3)
Now, we can rewrite the original expression using this equivalence:
To find 340mod12, we can look for a pattern in the powers of 3 modulo 12:
- 31=3
- 32=9
- 33=27≡3mod12
- 34=81≡9mod12
- For odd n: 3n≡3mod12
- For even n: 3n≡9mod12
Thus, the remainder when 2740 is divided by 12 is:
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