The last digit of (1!+2!++2005!)500 is (A) 9 (B) 2 (C) 7 (D) 1

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the last digit of (1!+2!+3!++2005!)500, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the last digits of the factorials from 1! to 4!

- 1!=1 (last digit is 1)
- 2!=2 (last digit is 2)
- 3!=6 (last digit is 6)
- 4!=24 (last digit is 4)

Now we sum these last digits:
The last digit of 13 is 3.

Step 2: Consider the factorials from 5! onwards

For n5, n! will always end with a zero because 5!=120 and every factorial after 5! will have at least one factor of 10 (which is 2×5). Therefore, the last digits of 5!,6!,,2005! will all contribute 0 to the sum.

Step 3: Combine the results

Thus, the total sum of the last digits from 1! to 2005! is:

Step 4: Raise the result to the power of 500

Now we need to find the last digit of 3500.

Step 5: Determine the last digit of 3500

The last digits of powers of 3 follow a pattern:
- 31=3 (last digit is 3)
- 32=9 (last digit is 9)
- 33=27 (last digit is 7)
- 34=81 (last digit is 1)
- 35=243 (last digit is 3)

The last digits repeat every 4 terms: 3,9,7,1.

To find the last digit of 3500, we calculate 500mod4:
500÷4=125(remainder 0)
Since the remainder is 0, we take the last digit corresponding to 34, which is 1.

Final Answer

Thus, the last digit of (1!+2!+3!++2005!)500 is 1.

The answer is 1.

