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Prove that | tan - 1 x - tan - 1 y | | x - y | x , y R .

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To prove that |tan1xtan1y||xy| for x,yR, we can use the Mean Value Theorem. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Define the Function
Let f(x)=tan1(x). This function is continuous and differentiable for all xR.

Step 2: Apply the Mean Value Theorem
According to the Mean Value Theorem, if f is continuous on the closed interval (a,b) and differentiable on the open interval (a,b), then there exists at least one c(a,b) such that:
In our case, let a=x and b=y. Then, we have:

Step 3: Compute the Derivative
The derivative of f(x)=tan1(x) is:
Thus, we can write:
for some c between x and y.

Step 4: Analyze the Derivative
Since c is between x and y, we know that c20. Therefore:
This implies:

Step 5: Apply the Absolute Value
Taking the absolute value, we have:
This leads to:

Thus, we have proved that:
for all x,yR.
