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Draw the graph of y=(x2x5)(x2)3.

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To draw the graph of the function y=(x2x5)(x2)3, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the function and its components
The function is given as:
This is a product of two functions: f(x)=x2x5 and g(x)=(x2)3.

Step 2: Find the roots of the function
To find the x-intercepts (roots) of the function, we set y=0:
This gives us two equations to solve:
1. x2x5=0
2. (x2)3=0

Solving x2x5=0:
This gives us:
- x2=0x=0
- 1x3=0x3=1x=1

Solving (x2)3=0:

Thus, the roots are x=0,1,2.

Step 3: Determine the multiplicity of the roots
- x=0: Root with multiplicity 2 (from x2).
- x=1: Root with multiplicity 1 (from 1x3).
- x=2: Root with multiplicity 3 (from (x2)3).

Step 4: Analyze the behavior of the function
Next, we will analyze the behavior of the function around the roots and determine the intervals of increase and decrease.

1. For x<0:
- y is positive (since both factors are positive).

2. At x=0:
- The function touches the x-axis and turns back (since the multiplicity is even).

3. For 0<x<1:
- y is negative (since (x2)3 is negative).

4. At x=1:
- The function crosses the x-axis (since the multiplicity is odd).

5. For 1<x<2:
- y is positive (both factors are positive).

6. At x=2:
- The function touches the x-axis and turns back (since the multiplicity is odd).

7. For x>2:
- y is positive (both factors are positive).

Step 5: Sketch the graph
Based on the analysis:
- The graph starts from positive, touches the x-axis at x=0, goes down to negative until x=1, crosses the x-axis at x=1, goes up to positive until x=2, touches the x-axis at x=2, and then continues to rise for x>2.

Final Graph
The graph can be sketched with the following points:
- Touches at (0,0)
- Crosses at (1,0)
- Touches at (2,0)
