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Evaluate: nππ4π4|sinx+cosx|dx

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To evaluate the integral


we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the expression inside the modulus
We can express sinx+cosx in a different form. We know that:


Thus, we can rewrite the integral as:


Step 2: Change of variable
Let u=x+π4. Then, du=dx and the limits change as follows:

- When x=π4, u=0.
- When x=nππ4, u=nπ.

Thus, we have:


Step 3: Use the periodic property of sine
The function |sinu| is periodic with a period of 2π. Therefore, we can break the integral into segments of length 2π:

I=2(2π0|sinu|du)×(number of full periods in (0,nπ))+integral over the remaining part.

The number of full periods in (0,nπ) is n2.

Step 4: Calculate the integral over one period
The integral of |sinu| over one period (0,2π) can be computed as:


Step 5: Combine the results
Thus, the integral over n full periods is:


Now, we need to consider the remaining part of the integral, which is from 2πn2 to nπ. This part will depend on whether n is even or odd.

- If n is even, there is no remaining part.
- If n is odd, the remaining part is from 2πn2 to nπ, which is π0|sinu|du=2.

Final Result
Thus, the final result for the integral I is:

I=42n2+(if n is odd, add 2).
