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For a non-zero complex number z , let arg(z) denote the principal argument with π<arg(z)π Then, which of the following statement(s) is (are) FALSE? arg(1,i)=π4, where i=1 (b) The function f:R(π,π], defined by f(t)=arg(1+it) for all tR , is continuous at all points of R , where i=1 (c) For any two non-zero complex numbers z1 and z2 , arg(z1z2)arg(z1)+arg(z2) is an integer multiple of 2π (d) For any three given distinct complex numbers z1 , z2 and z3 , the locus of the point z satisfying the condition arg((zz1)(z2z3)(zz3)(z2z1))=π , lies on a straight line


arg(1i)=π4, where i=1


The functionf:R(π,π], defined by f(t)=arg(1+it) for all tR, is continous at all points of R, where i=1


For any tow non-zero complex number z1 and z2,arg(z1z2arg(z1)+arg(z2) is an integer multiple of 2π


For any three given distinct complex numbers z1,z2andz3 the locus of the point z satisfying the condition ((zz1)(z2z3)(zz3)(z2z1))=π, lies on a strainght line.

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The correct Answer is:A, B, D

(1) Comple number -1- I lies in thrid quadrant
(2) We have f:R(π,π],f(t)=arg(1+it) for all tR
Complex number 1+it lies in second quadrant if t>0 and in third quadrant if t<0.
Clearly f(x) is discountinous at = 0.
(3) arg(z1z2)arg(z1)+arg(z2)
(4) arg((zz1)(z2z3)(zz3)(z2z1))=π
when α and β are angles subtened by line segment joining z1 and z3 at z and z2 respectively.
So, we get the following figure.
ocr_image Thus, locus of z is a circle .
