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Find the number of selections of one or more things from the group of p identical things of one type, q identical things of another type, r identical things of the third type and n different things.

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To solve the problem of finding the number of selections of one or more things from a group of p identical things of one type, q identical things of another type, r identical things of a third type, and n different things, we can follow these steps:

1. Identifying Selections for Identical Things:
- For p identical things, the number of ways to select zero or more items is p+1. This includes selecting none, one, two, ..., up to p items.
- Similarly, for q identical things, the number of ways is q+1.
- For r identical things, the number of ways is r+1.

2. Calculating Total Selections for Identical Things:
- The total number of ways to select zero or more items from all three types of identical things is given by the product:

3. Identifying Selections for Different Things:
- For n different things, the number of ways to select zero or more items is 2n. This is because for each of the n different items, we can either choose to include it or not, leading to 2n combinations (including the option of selecting none).

4. Calculating Total Selections Including All Types:
- Therefore, the total number of ways to select zero or more items from all types (including the identical and different items) is:

5. Excluding the Selection of Zero Items:
- Since we want the number of selections of one or more items, we need to subtract the one case where no items are selected at all. The only way to select nothing is counted as 1 in our previous calculation.
- Thus, the final formula for the number of selections of one or more items is:

Final Answer:
The number of selections of one or more things from the given group is:
