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If x,y,z are distinct positive numbers, then prove that (x+y)(y+z)(z+x)>8xyz.

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To prove that (x+y)(y+z)(z+x)>8xyz for distinct positive numbers x, y, and z, we can use the Arithmetic Mean-Geometric Mean (AM-GM) inequality.

1. Apply AM-GM Inequality:
According to the AM-GM inequality, for any non-negative numbers a, b, and c:
with equality only when a=b=c.

2. Choose Terms:
Let us consider the terms x+y, y+z, and z+x. We can apply the AM-GM inequality to these terms:

3. Simplify the Left Side:
The left side simplifies as follows:

4. Combine the Inequality:
Now we have:

5. Cube Both Sides:
To eliminate the cube root, we cube both sides:

6. Expand the Left Side:
Expanding the left side gives:

7. Use AM-GM Again:
Now, we can also use the AM-GM inequality on x, y, and z:
Cubing this gives:

8. Combine Results:
Therefore, we have:

9. Final Conclusion:
Thus, we conclude that:
since the equality in AM-GM does not hold for distinct positive numbers x, y, and z.
