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If (a+ib)(c+id)(e+if)(g+ih)=A+iB prove that (a2+b2)(c2+d2)(e2+f2)(g2+h2)=A2+B2

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To prove that (a2+b2)(c2+d2)(e2+f2)(g2+h2)=A2+B2 given that (a+ib)(c+id)(e+if)(g+ih)=A+iB, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Take the modulus of both sides
We start with the equation:
Taking the modulus on both sides, we have:

Step 2: Use the property of modulus
Using the property of modulus for products, we can separate the modulus:

Step 3: Calculate the modulus of each complex number
The modulus of a complex number x+iy is given by x2+y2. Therefore, we can express the moduli as follows:

Step 4: Square both sides
Now, squaring both sides to eliminate the square roots gives us:

Thus, we have proved that:

