Find the greatest number of 6 digits exactly divisible by 24, 15 and 36.

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To find the greatest 6-digit number that is exactly divisible by 24, 15, and 36, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the LCM of the numbers 24, 15, and 36.

Prime Factorization:
- 24 = 23×31
- 15 = 31×51
- 36 = 22×32

Finding LCM:
To find the LCM, we take the highest power of each prime factor:
- For 2: The highest power is 23 (from 24).
- For 3: The highest power is 32 (from 36).
- For 5: The highest power is 51 (from 15).

Thus, the LCM is:
Calculating this:

Step 2: Identify the greatest 6-digit number.

The greatest 6-digit number is:

Step 3: Divide the greatest 6-digit number by the LCM to find the largest multiple.

Now, we divide 999999 by 360:
Taking the integer part, we find:

Step 4: Multiply the integer part by the LCM to find the largest multiple.

Now, we multiply back:

Step 5: Conclusion

Thus, the greatest 6-digit number that is exactly divisible by 24, 15, and 36 is:

