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If A=[abcd] , then adj A is (a) [dbca] (b) [dbca] (c) [dbca] (d) [dcba]

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To find the adjoint of the matrix A=[abcd], we will follow the steps to calculate the cofactors and then take the transpose of the cofactor matrix.

Step 1: Calculate the Cofactors
The cofactor matrix consists of the cofactors of each element of matrix A.

1. Cofactor A11 (element a):
- Remove the first row and first column: Remaining element is d.
- So, A11=d.

2. Cofactor A12 (element b):
- Remove the first row and second column: Remaining element is c.
- Since the position is (1,2), which is odd, we take the negative: A12=c.

3. Cofactor A21 (element c):
- Remove the second row and first column: Remaining element is b.
- Since the position is (2,1), which is odd, we take the negative: A21=b.

4. Cofactor A22 (element d):
- Remove the second row and second column: Remaining element is a.
- So, A22=a.

Thus, the cofactor matrix C is:

Step 2: Transpose the Cofactor Matrix
To find the adjoint, we take the transpose of the cofactor matrix C:

The adjoint of matrix A is:

Correct Option
This corresponds to option (b) [dbca].
