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Determine the values of a ,   b ,   c for which the function f ( x ) = { sin ( a + 1 ) x + sin x x , for x < 0           c , f or \ x=0 (sqrt(x+b x^2))/(b x^(3//2)) , f or x >0 i s c o n t u o u s a t x=0

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To determine the values of a, b, and c for which the function


sin(a+1)x+sinxxfor x<0cfor x=0x+bx2bx3/2for x>0

is continuous at x=0, we need to ensure that the left-hand limit (LHL) and the right-hand limit (RHL) at x=0 are equal to f(0)=c.

Step 1: Calculate the Left-Hand Limit (LHL) as x0

For x<0:


Using the limit property, we can rewrite this as:


Using the fact that limx0sin(kx)x=k for any constant k:


Step 2: Calculate the Right-Hand Limit (RHL) as x0+

For x>0:


We can simplify this expression:


Now, taking the limit as x0:


As x0, 1+bx1:

=limx01bx=(if b0)

If b=0, the expression becomes undefined. Thus, we need b to be non-zero.

Step 3: Set the Limits Equal to c

For continuity at x=0:


From the left-hand limit, we have:


From the right-hand limit, we need to ensure that limx0+f(x)=c. For this to be finite, we need b to be a specific value.

Step 4: Determine Conditions on b

Since limx0+1bx diverges unless b is set to a specific value, we can set b=1 for simplicity.

Final Values

1. From a+2=c, we can express c in terms of a:
2. Set b=1.

Thus, we can summarize the values:

- b=1
- c=a+2


The values of a, b, and c that make the function continuous at x=0 are:

- b=1
- c=a+2

Updated on:7/8/2024

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