The HCF of two numbers is 23 and their product is 55545. Find their LCM.

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To find the LCM of two numbers when their HCF and product are given, we can use the relationship between HCF, LCM, and the product of the two numbers. The formula is:

Product of the two numbers=HCF×LCM

- HCF = 23
- Product of the two numbers = 55545

We need to find the LCM.

1. Write down the formula:
Product of the two numbers=HCF×LCM

2. Substitute the known values into the formula:

3. Rearrange the formula to solve for LCM:

4. Perform the division:
- Calculate 55545÷23.

5. Calculate the result:

6. Conclusion:
The LCM of the two numbers is 2415.

Final Answer:
The LCM of the two numbers is 2415.
