Divide 57086 by 247
To solve the division of 57,086 by 247 step by step, follow these instructions:
Step 1: Set up the division
We need to divide 57,086 by 247. We write it in long division format.
Step 2: Determine how many times 247 fits into the first part of 57086
Look at the first three digits of 57086, which is 570. We need to find out how many times 247 can fit into 570.
- 247 × 2 = 494
- 247 × 3 = 741 (too high)
So, 247 fits into 570 two times.
Step 3: Multiply and subtract
Now we multiply 247 by 2 and subtract from 570.
Step 4: Bring down the next digit
Now bring down the next digit, which is 8, making it 768.
Step 5: Determine how many times 247 fits into 768
Now we need to see how many times 247 fits into 768.
- 247 × 3 = 741
- 247 × 4 = 988 (too high)
So, 247 fits into 768 three times.
Step 6: Multiply and subtract again
Now we multiply 247 by 3 and subtract from 768.
Step 7: Bring down the next digit
Now bring down the next digit, which is 6, making it 276.
Step 8: Determine how many times 247 fits into 276
Now we need to see how many times 247 fits into 276.
- 247 × 1 = 247
So, 247 fits into 276 one time.
Step 9: Multiply and subtract one last time
Now we multiply 247 by 1 and subtract from 276.
Step 10: Write the final answer
The quotient is 231 and the remainder is 29. Therefore, we can write:
57,086 ÷ 247 = 231 R29
We need to divide 57,086 by 247. We write it in long division format.
Look at the first three digits of 57086, which is 570. We need to find out how many times 247 can fit into 570.
- 247 × 3 = 741 (too high)
Now we multiply 247 by 2 and subtract from 570.
Now bring down the next digit, which is 8, making it 768.
Now we need to see how many times 247 fits into 768.
- 247 × 4 = 988 (too high)
Now we multiply 247 by 3 and subtract from 768.
Now bring down the next digit, which is 6, making it 276.
Now we need to see how many times 247 fits into 276.
Now we multiply 247 by 1 and subtract from 276.
The quotient is 231 and the remainder is 29. Therefore, we can write:
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