the following decimals as fractions in lowest form:
To express the given decimals as fractions in their lowest form, we will follow these steps for each decimal:
(i) Convert 0.8 to a fraction:
1. Write the decimal as a fraction:
- Since there is one digit after the decimal, we can express 0.8 as 810.
2. Reduce the fraction to its lowest form:
- Find the highest common factor (HCF) of 8 and 10, which is 2.
- Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF:
Final answer for (i): 45
(ii) Convert 3.5 to a fraction:
1. Write the decimal as a fraction:
- Since there is one digit after the decimal, we can express 3.5 as 3510.
2. Reduce the fraction to its lowest form:
- Find the HCF of 35 and 10, which is 5.
- Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF:
Final answer for (ii): 72
(iii) Convert 6.4 to a fraction:
1. Write the decimal as a fraction:
- Since there is one digit after the decimal, we can express 6.4 as 6410.
2. Reduce the fraction to its lowest form:
- Find the HCF of 64 and 10, which is 2.
- Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF:
Final answer for (iii): 325
Summary of Answers:
- (i) 45
- (ii) 72
- (iii) 325
1. Write the decimal as a fraction:
- Since there is one digit after the decimal, we can express 0.8 as 810.
2. Reduce the fraction to its lowest form:
- Find the highest common factor (HCF) of 8 and 10, which is 2.
- Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF:
1. Write the decimal as a fraction:
- Since there is one digit after the decimal, we can express 3.5 as 3510.
2. Reduce the fraction to its lowest form:
- Find the HCF of 35 and 10, which is 5.
- Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF:
1. Write the decimal as a fraction:
- Since there is one digit after the decimal, we can express 6.4 as 6410.
2. Reduce the fraction to its lowest form:
- Find the HCF of 64 and 10, which is 2.
- Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their HCF:
- (i) 45
- (ii) 72
- (iii) 325
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