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Using cube root table, find the value of (51125000)13

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To find the value of (51125000)1/3 using the cube root table, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Break down the expression
We need to find the cube root of the fraction 51125000. This can be expressed as:

Step 2: Find the cube root of the numerator (51)
Using the cube root table, we look up the cube root of 51. From the table, we find:

Step 3: Find the cube root of the denominator (125000)
Next, we find the cube root of 125000. We can express 125000 as 125×1000 or 53×(103). Thus:

Step 4: Divide the results
Now we can divide the cube root of the numerator by the cube root of the denominator:

Step 5: Calculate the final result
Now, we perform the division:

Thus, the final answer is:

Summary of Steps:
1. Break down the expression into numerator and denominator.
2. Find the cube root of the numerator (51).
3. Find the cube root of the denominator (125000).
4. Divide the results from steps 2 and 3.
5. Calculate the final result.
