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Which of the following statement(s) is/are false?


All adiabatic process are isoentropic (or isentropic) processes


When (ΔGsystem)T,P<0, the reaction must be exothermic


dG=VdP-SdT is applicable for closed system, both PV and non-PV work


The heat of vaporisation of water at 100C is 40.6 kJ/mol. When 9 gm of water vapour condenses to liquid at 100C and 1 atm, then ΔSsystem = 54.42 J/K

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The correct Answer is:A, B, C, D

(a) Reversible adiabatic process is iso-entropic process
(b) When (ΔGsystem)T,P<0 then process may be endothermic / exothermic
(c )dG=VdPSdT, only PV work consider
(d) ΔS=918×40.6×1000373=54.42
