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India is a country with three fouth of the population engaged in agriculture. Even though financial conditions of some farmers do allow them to take higher level farming practices and improved agricultural technology. Yet they are hesitant to use of HYV seeds with traits such as resistance to disease and pests, igh quality that would result finally in higher yield. THE Governments' Kisan channel solved all their apprehensions.
1. What is meant by genetically modified crops ?
2. What are the desired agronomic characters for fodder adn cereal crops?
3. In your opinion what should be done so that the modern agriculture technology is adopted by most of the farmers?

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1. Genetically modified crops are produced by manipulating the genes o the original crops. The desirable gene which is useful for us, is introduced into the crop by recombinant DNA technology. The crop thus gets genetically modified in the future generation.
3. Agricultural information should be passed to farmers through channels like Kisan. The newer varieties whcih are adapted to the changing climate or salinity are beings experimented upon The information of these type of crops should be understood by the persons who are involved in the agriculture.
