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Who wrote "Species Plantarum" and provided a basis for the classification of plants ?


Carolus Linnaeus


Charles Darwin


Robert Hooke



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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Identify the Author: The question asks who wrote "Species Plantarum." The author of this significant work is Carl Linnaeus.

2. Understand the Contribution: Linnaeus is known as the "father of modern taxonomy." His work laid the foundation for the classification of plants and organisms.

3. Content of "Species Plantarum": In "Species Plantarum," Linnaeus classified plants based on their morphology, which includes physical characteristics such as flower color, number of petals, and other observable traits.

4. Classification System: The classification system proposed by Linnaeus is referred to as an "artificial system of classification." This is because he primarily focused on observable physical traits and did not consider genetic relationships among the species.

5. Significance: Linnaeus's work was groundbreaking as it established a systematic approach to classifying plants, which is still referenced in modern taxonomy.

Final Answer: Carl Linnaeus wrote "Species Plantarum" and provided a basis for the classification of plants.

