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The signal trasnduction of steroid hormone across cell is thorugh


binding of hormone to the cytoplasmic receptor and the complex binds to hormone response element on DNA within promoter DNA


binding of hormone to the transmembrane receptor which intiates the production of second messenger that activates enzymes which further activates transcription factors


binding of hormone ot the transmembrane receptor which diffuse inside the cell cytoplasm and then activates the enzyme necessary for the activation of transcription factors.


binding of hormone to the cytoplasmic r aceptor that initiates the production of second messenger which activates enzymes that further activates transcription factors.

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The correct Answer is:A

Steroid hormones, being hydrophobic molecules, diffuse freely into all cells and act within the cell. Steroid hormones eneter the cytoplasm of a target cell and bind with specific recptor proteins (mobile). Hormone -receptor complex then diffuses into nucleus and activates specific response for a particular steroid hormone.
