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Explain factors affect the boiling point.

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Boiling point : The temperature at which vapour pressure is equal to 1 atmosphere, that temperature is called boiling point of liquid. Liquid of boiling point effect the following factors.
Nature of liquid : Each liquid has definite boiling point. If the intermolecular attraction force in liquid is less them boiling point is less hence, the vapour pressure is more. Such liquid are more volatile and their boiling point is less. e.g., Boiling point of water is (100C), Ethanol (78C) and Ether (34C).
Pressure : At boiling point liquid and its vapour is in equilibrium at 1 atmosphere pressure. If atmospheric pressure is less, so boiling point also less. Hence boiling point depends on height. e.g.-1 : On mountain atmosphere pressure is less, so water boils at law temperature it means boiling point of water is less. e.g.-2: In Pressure cooker, pressure is more so boiling point of water is more.
