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Write effect of concentration change on equilibrium and explain by suitable example.

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In general, when equilibrium is disturbed by the addition / removal of any reactant / product, Le-Chatelier.s principle predicts that:
(i) The concentration stress of an added reactant/product is relieved by net reaction in the direction that consumes the added substance.
(ii) The concentration stress of a removed reactant / product is relieved by net reaction in the direction that replenishes the removed substance.
Le-Chatelier.s principle for concentration change: "When the concentration of any of the reactants or products in a reaction at equilibrium is changed, the composition of the equilibrium mixture changes so as to minimize the effect of concentration changes."
To understand the effect of concentration changes the example of decomposition of HI: The synthesis of HI is due to the reaction between H2 and I2 at the certain temperature and get equilibrium.
(a) H2 is added in equilibrium : If H2 is added to the reaction mixture at equilibrium, then the equilibrium of the reaction is disturbed. In order to restore it, the reaction proceeds in a direction wherein H2 is consumed, i.e., more of H2 and I2 react to form HI and finally the equilibrium shifts in right (forward) direction.
(b) According to Le Chatelier.s principle : Which implies that in case of addition of a reactant/ product, a new equilibrium will be set up in which the concentration of the reactant/product should be less than what it was after the addition but more than what it was in the original mixture.
(C) Explanation of reaction quotient Qc : The same point can be explained in terms of the reaction quotient Qc
Qc=[HI]2[H2][I2] and Kc=[HI]2[H2][I2]
Addition of hydrogen at equilibrium results in value of Qc being less than Kc. Thus, in order to attain equilibrium again reaction moves in the forward reaction.
Removal of product : Similarly, the removal of product and increase the concentration of the products.
Commercial application : The product is a gas or volatile substance so, the removal of products and increase the production.
e.g.-1 : In vase of manufacture of ammonia, ammonia is liquefied and removed from the reaction mixture (N2(g)+H2(g)=2NH3(g)) so that reaction keeps moving in forward direction.
e.g.-2: In large scale production of Cao (used as important building material) from CaCO3, constant removal of CO2 from the kiln drives the reaction completion (CaCO3(s)CaO(s)) . It should be remembered that continuous removal of a product maintains Qc at a value less than Kc and reaction continuous to move in the forward direction.
