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Explain pH scale and pH.

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pH Scale Hydronium ion concentration in molarity is more conveniently expressed on a logarithmic scale known as the pH scale.
Defination of pH : pH of a solution is defined as the magnitude of the negative power to which 10 must be raised to express the activities of H + ion ( a H + ) concentration.
Activities a have no unit a H + = [ H + ] mol L - 1
This definition of pH is written as following.
p H = - log a H + ....(Eq.-i)
= - log [ H + mol L - 1 ] [ a H + = H + mol L - 1 ]
If mol L - 1 = 1 So,
pH=-log [ H + ] ...(Eq.-ii)
The pH scale is only for dilute solution in which pH method is suitable for solution whose concentration of [ H + ] is less than 1 M.
The change with temperature the variations in pH with temperature are so small that we often ignore it.
It should be noted that as the pH scale is logarithmic a change in pH by just one unit also means change in [ H + ] by a factor of 10,
e.g. [ H + ] = 1 × 10 - 2 So, pH=2 and [ H + ] = 1 × 10 - 3 =0.001 So, pH=3
