Describe the episode that turned the author averse to water.
लिखित उत्तर
The author, from the beginning, had an aversion to water. This started when he was three or four years old. Once his father took him to the beach in California. His father and he stood together in the surf. He hung on to his father but the waves knocked him down and swept over him. He was buried in water and felt breathless. He was much frightened. His father laughed at the incident. But there was a terror in his heart at the overpowering force of the waves. This incident turned him averse to water. Later, once he was thrown into the deep water by a bully boy and had a narrow escape from drowning. This incident created in him a great fear of water.
समान प्रश्न
6 गैलन जल में कितना एथिलीन ग्लाइकॉल मिलाया जाये की इसकी हिमांक −24∘C हो जाये ?
(जल के लिए प्रति मोल Kf=1.86K प्रति मोल तथा 1 गैलन =3.785 लीटर)
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