Dipesh bought 3 notebooks and 2 pens for Rs. 80. His friend Ramesh said that price of each notebook could be Rs. 25. Then three notebooks would cost Rs.75, the two pens would cost Rs. 5 and each pen could be for Rs. 2.50. Another friend Amar felt that Rs. 2.50 for one pen was too little. It should be at least Rs. 16. Then the price of each notebook would also be Rs.16.
Lokesh also bought the same types of notebooks and pens as Dipesh. He paid 110 for 4 notebooks and 3 pens
Let the cost of one notebook be x and that of pen be y . Which of the following set describe the given problem ?









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The correct Answer is:B

According to the statement, we have
Thus (b) is correct option.

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  • Dipesh bought 3 notebooks and 2 pens for Rs. 80. His friend Ramesh said that price of each notebook could be Rs. 25. Then three notebooks would cost Rs.75, the two pens would cost Rs. 5 and each pen could be for Rs. 2.50. Another friend Amar felt that Rs. 2.50 for one pen was too little. It should be at least Rs. 16. Then the price of each notebook would also be Rs.16.
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  • Dipesh bought 3 notebooks and 2 pens for Rs. 80. His friend Ramesh said that price of each notebook could be Rs. 25. Then three notebooks would cost Rs.75, the two pens would cost Rs. 5 and each pen could be for Rs. 2.50. Another friend Amar felt that Rs. 2.50 for one pen was too little. It should be at least Rs. 16. Then the price of each notebook would also be Rs.16.
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