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Write a detail note on structure of benzene.

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(a) Benzene was isolated by Michael Faraday in 1825. The empirical formula of benzene is CH, molecular mass is 78 and molecular formula of benzene, C6H6.
benzene possess a high degree of unsaturation. This moelcular formula did not account for itsrelationship to corresponding alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Due to its unique properties and unusual stability, it took severa years to assign its structure.
On addition of three moles of H2 it forms C6H12, with three moles of Cl2 it forms C6H6Cl6. Also benzene was found to be stable molecule and found to form triozonide which indicates the presence of three double bonds.
Benzene was further found to produce one end only one mono substituted derivative which indicated that all the six carbon and six hydrogen atoms of benzene are identical.
On the basis of this observation August Kekule in 1865 proposed the followin structure for benzene having cyclic arrangement of six carbon atoms with alternate single and double bonds and one hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atoms.
The Kekule structures the possiblity of two isomeric 1, 2-dibromobenzenes. In one of the isomers, the bromine atoms are attached to the doubly bonded carbon atoms whereas inthe other, they are attached to the singly bonded carbons.
However, benzene was found to form only one ortho disubstituted product. This problem was overcome by Kekule by suggesting the concept of oscillating nature of double bonds in benzene as given below.
Even with this modification, Kekule structure of benzene fails to explain unsual stability and preference to substitution reactions than addition reaction, which could later on be explained by resonance.
(b) Special stability of benzene or Resonance structure of Structure of benzene through valence bond theory : According to valence Bond Theory, the concept of oscillating double bond in benzene is now explained by resonace. Benzene is a hybrid of various resonating structures. The two structures (A) and (B) given by Kekule are the main contributing structures. The hybrid structure is represented by inserting a circle or a dotted circle in the hexagon as shown in (C). The circle represents the six electrons which are delocalised between the six carbon atoms of the benzene ring.
(c) Formation of σ and π bond in benzene according to VB theory for overlapping of orbitals OR resonance structure and VB principle :
(i) Formation of σ-bond :
Benzene has 6 carbon atoms containing sp2 hybridisation. Every sp2 carbon is attached with three sp2 planar orbital at 120 angle. Among the three sp2 orbitals carbon overlap with its neighbour carbon atom with two sp2 orbitals ad form total 6 C-C σ bonds and planar hexagonal structure.
All 6 carbon utilize third sp2 hybridi orbital and overalp with 1 s orbital of hydrogen and form six C-H σ bond. Therefore six carbon and six hydrogen, all twelve atoms are present in one plane. Six carbons are present in six corners of hexagonal ring.
Also, the 2p orbitals of all six carbon atoms which do not take part in the hybridization are situated perpendicular and above all the atoms. which is shown by following diagram
Six C - C, Six C-H bond and 2p orbitals which are perpendicular to plane and parallel with each other.
(ii) The formation of three π-bond by overlapping of six 2p orbitals in benzene ring :
The un-hybridized p orbital of carbon atoms are close enough to form a π-bond by lateral overlap.
There are two equal possiblities of forming three π-bonds by overlap of p orbital of C1C2,C3C4,C5C6 or C2C3,C4C5,C6C1 respectively as shown in the following figure (a).
Overlapping 2p orbitals of above C2C3,C4C5,C6C1,C2=C3,C4=C5 and C6=C1 can form three double bond π-bond formation is present in diagram (b).
These figure (a) and (b) shows simple structures of benzene with π-bond and σ-bond.
These structures of benzenes are similar two structures of Kekule, which has alternate double bond and hexagonal ring.
(d) Explaination of π molecular orbital formation in benzene and similar bond length of all six C-C bond in benzene :
By the X-ray analysis of benzene it was inferred that, the six carbon atoms which are present in the benzene ring has same internuclear distance between each C-C bond length is 139 pm.
In hexagonal ring of benzene all six carbons there must be an overlapping of 2p orbitals of all the orbitals which are perpendicular to plane and parallel to each other, which results in formation of expanded π-bond in whole ring but not form localize three π-bond.
The given figure (c) and (d) can be drawn on paper, which shows the formation of π-bond in which the upper lob of 2p orbital can form on the upper site of ring while overlapping of all six lobs situated below the ring can form expanded π electron cloud. which is known as π molecular orbital of benzene.
The two π electron clouds available on above and below of whole hexagonal ring of benzene are same. No loacalize 3π bond are present in benzene. So in benzene, all C-C bond length are similar, i.e., 139 pm.
π-MO are more stable than cyclohexatriene possessing three π-bond in hexagonal ring of benzene.
(e) Explanation on special stability of benzene : Though benzene as three double bond, there is no reaction of double bond. There is no localization of electrons between two carbons present in benzene, so it is stable.
According to π molecular orbital π electrons of benzene delocalized in whole ring and move randomly. These π electrons are strongly attracted towards carbon atoms. In reactions, circular π electrons clouds are not easily breakdown which shows special stability of benzene.
According to resonance structure of benzene two π-bonds are rotating which are not stable. According to above figure benzene shows special stability. Bezene s aromatic and so it is stable.
