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Write a explanatory note on Transcription unit and the gene.

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Gene is the functional unit of inheritance.
The DNA sequence coding for tRNA or rRNA molecule also defines a gene. Cistron is a segment of DNA that codes for a polypeptide.
In a transcription unit, the structural gene could be (a) Monocistronic (mostly in eukaryotes) (b) Polycistronic (mostly in bacteria or prokaryotes).
The monocistronic structural gene in eukaryotes have interrupted coding sequences. They are of two types : (a) Exons : coding sequences or expressed sequences that appear in mature or processed RNA. (b) Introns : Intervening sequences which do not appear in mature or processed RNA. They only interrupt exons.
The split gene i.e. gene with both exon and introns is a characteristic of eukaryotic DNA.
The promoter and regulatory sequences of a structural gene also affect the inheritance of a character.
That is why sometimes the regulatory sequences are loosely defined as regulatory genes, even though these sequences do not code for any RNA or protein.
