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We know that plants require nutrients ,If we supply these in excess, will it be beneficial to the plants? IF yes how/If no why?

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Each plant has requirement of micronutrients in very less low amount.While their moderate decrease causes the deficiency symptoms and a moderate increase causes toxicity. The dry weight of 10% minerals is considered toxic. The concentration for trace elements is different as per plants eg. Mn+2 show more toxicity than 600μgg1.5300μgg1 become toxic for soyabean and Sunflower.
The toxicity symptoms are difficult to identify because absorption of one material removes effect of other element.
E.g the prominent symptom of manganese toxicity is the appearance of brown spots surrounded by chlorotic veins.
Because (i) absorption of Fe+3andMg+2 is decreased.
(ii) Mg+2 decreases activity of particular enzyme.
(iii) Prevents translocation of Ca+2 towards shoot tip.
This way, excess of Mn+2 induce deficiencies of iron, magnesium and calcium.
